This year’s CRANLEIGH ARTS BOOK FEST – sponsored by Informed Choice Independent Financial Planning – is bigger and better than ever before with more talks, workshops and performances aimed at all ages. Whether you enjoy reading the fantasy novels of Terry Pratchett, the ghost stories of M R James, crime fiction, biographies, non-fiction or children’s books, we’ve got something for you.

Broadcaster John Suchet will be talking about Beethoven, Otto English will be talking about how historical fact can often be overtaken by myth, Maurice Hamilton will be talking about motor racing, and Adele Parks will be returning to celebrate her 25 years as a hugely successful author.

There will be workshops about writing your own memoir or, if you’ve already written something, how best to get it published with authors Lisa Brace, Daisy White and Joelle Tamraz. Our very own Cranleigh Writers and the ever-popular Booming Lovelies will also be contributing.

Saturday 26 April is ‘Young Readers’ Day’ with performances by the Long-Nosed Puppets in our auditorium aimed at those aged between 2 and 6, Judith Eagle’s Great Theatre Rescue) complete with tap dancing in our Studio for those aged between 8 and 12, and for those aged 10+ Larry Hayes will be talking about Exploring Your Nightmares.

And, speaking of nightmares, don’t miss an eerie encounter with Nunkie Theatre Company’s A Warning to the Curious.

The whole range of Book Fest events can be found by clicking here