We hope that this page offers you the information you need to enjoy your time with us. If you have any suggestions on how we can improve or can’t see the information you need, please email dutymanager@cranleigharts.org or call 01483 278000.


Disabled Parking & Dropping Off

There are three designated disabled parking spaces in our small car park at the rear of the building. All other spaces are for the use of Cranleigh Arts staff/volunteers and performers only. Please use the large car park in Village Way next to the Leisure Centre which is a three- to four-minute walk away.

Level Access areas

All public access areas of the arts centre are located on the ground floor with level access.


All our public toilets are located on the ground floor. There is an accessible toilet at the bottom of the stairs opposite the Crane Room.

Main Auditorium

Our main auditorium is accessible by wheelchair. Where an event uses raked seating, spaces for wheelchair users and those with visual or mobility impairments will be allocated in the front row. Please contact the box office directly to book your seats.

We request that all wheelchair users attending an event are accompanied by a helper or carer who can help them out of the building in the event of an emergency evacuation. Accompanying helpers or carers should be seated next to their companion and will receive a complimentary ticket. Please inform the box office when you book.

Please note that wheelchair accessible seating is limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Carer or Personal Assistant

We offer a complimentary ticket to a carer or support worker enabling your attendance at an event. Please request this ticket when booking your own.

Hearing Loop

Our Jack Wagg Auditorium is fitted with a hearing loop that operates either with headphones or a pendant which can be obtained from the box office on arrival. There are a limited number of sets so, where possible, please contact the box office when booking your seats to book a pendant or headphones.

Assistance Dogs

Assistance dogs are welcome in all our spaces, including the theatre and gallery. Please advise the Box Office when booking so they can provide you with an appropriate seat. We are happy to provide water for your dog, please ask at the tea bar or box office.

Relaxed Screenings

Relaxed screenings are open to everyone, but the environment has been specifically adapted for those with Autistic Spectrum Conditions, individuals with sensory and communication disorders, those with learning disabilities and anyone who would benefit from a more relaxed cinema environment. The screenings are adapted in a variety of ways in order to reduce anxiety and ensure a safe and enjoyable event.

There is a relaxed attitude to noise, the lights in the auditorium remain on low throughout the show, the volume is slightly reduced to reduce impact of sudden loud noises and audience members are free to leave and re-enter the auditorium at any point. There will also be a Chill Out Zone, where space is made available for audience members who need a bit of quiet time before and during the performance.